Important Information: North Mission Glen Sewer Line Repairs and Backyard Access Details

North Mission Glen Municipal Utility District (the “District”) has employed Ballast Point Construction, Inc. (“Ballast”) to perform repairs to the sanitary sewer lines in the District. The Cleaning and Televising is to be completed to the sanitary sewer lines possibly located in the easement in your front or backyard. Notices will be sent to you from Ballast prior to any construction activities. It will be your responsibility to remove, replace and maintain all landscaping, facilities, etc. located within the easement or on top of manholes.

It is the District’s intent to keep your inconvenience to a minimum. The access points to the sanitary sewers are manholes located in the streets and rear easements. The rear easements may be in residential backyards where existing utilities lines are installed to serve each resident. It may be necessary to access these manholes through your backyard to complete this project. Ballast has requested that any gate to the back yard be unlocked and pets are to be restrained while the crew is working in the yard.

A 24-hour notice will be placed on your door before Ballast begins the actual work in your yard.

To Flush or Not to Flush

The Board of Directors for North Mission Glen Municipal Utility District (the District) would like to take a moment to remind residents of the importance of maintaining a clean sanitary sewer system. When “non-flushable” items such as wipes, oil, and grease make their way down toilet commodes, damage and clogs can occur. These clogs can cause home plumbing problems and sewage backups, creating excessive maintenance costs for residents. Additionally, damage can occur within the wastewater treatment facilities, producing elevated repair costs to the District.

It is not always comfortable to discuss bathroom issues, specifically, toilet do’s and don’ts. However, it is important to remember that there are some things that are meant to be flushed down the toilet… and some things that are not.

What about “flushable wipes”?

Despite their claim to be “flushable”, these wipes are indeed “not flushable“. Toilet paper is made to disintegrate when it is flushed. Wipes, on the other hand, are not made to disintegrate when flushed. Wipes clog pipes and cause damage to the sanitary collection system and wastewater treatment plants. It is better to be safe than sorry. For best practices, throw used wipes into the trash can.

The following items should never be flushed:

  • “Flushable” Wipes
  • Paper Towels & Tissues
  • Too Much Toilet Paper
  • Cotton Balls, Rounds, or Swabs
  • Feminine Products
  • Dental Floss
  • Hair
  • Bandages
  • Medications & Other Hazardous Materials
  • Cigarette Butts
  • Fats, Oils, or Grease (FOG should be discarded within sealed containers and into the trash)
  • Kitty Litter

While they may seem miniscule, these items can clog the drains and cause damage that could be expensive to repair. Residents can help save their resources and that of the District by only flushing toilet paper. After all, one wouldn’t want to inadvertently throw money down the drain!

Hurricane Preparedness

The traditional hurricane season is June 1 through November 30. It is time to make a plan and be ready. Here are a few resources for this year’s Hurricane Preparedness Week:

  • Know your risk – Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Impacts from wind and water can be felt many miles inland. Significant impacts can also occur regardless of the storm’s strength.
    • Consider your threats: Storm surges, flooding from heavy rain, strong winds, tornadoes, rip currents
    • Determine if you live in a flood-prone area
    • Find out if you live in an evacuation zone
  • Avoid having to rush through potentially life-saving preparations by getting your disaster supplies now. Supplies may not be available just before a storm arrives. Get an insurance review early, as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period.
    • Develop an evacuation plan
    • Assemble disaster supplies: food, water, batteries, charger, radio, cash
    • Get an insurance checkup and document your possessions
    • Create a communication plan with a hand-written list of contacts
    • Strengthen your home
  • Understand forecast information before a storm. This can tell you a lot about what is expected, including the storm’s path, rainfall amounts, wind speeds and more. Most importantly, it lets you and your family know what actions to take to prepare, monitor, shelter or evacuate. Visit for more information.
    • Rely on forecasts from your local National Weather Service office
    • Know your alerts and the difference between Watch and Warning
    • Focus on potential impacts, regardless of storm size and category
    • Know that deadly hazards occur well outside of the Forecast Cone
  • Know what to do during a storm. Whether you’ve evacuated or are sheltering in place, know what to expect from the hazards you may face. Remain vigilant, stay up-to-date with the latest forecasts and alerts, and continue to listen to local officials.
    • Protect your hone: Cover windows, secure doors and loose items
    • Determine sheltering options and consider your pets
    • Ready you go-bag, meds and supplies, charge phones, fill up/charge vehicle
    • Help your neighbors, especially the elderly and other vulnerable people
    • Follow evacuation orders if given
  • A key part of hurricane preparedness is understanding the dangers that remain well after a storm. This is not the time to put your guard down. Nearly half of hurricane fatalities occur after the storm.
    • Use caution after storms: If evacuated, only return home when directed it is safe to do so
    • Remain vigilant, as hazards remain: Heat, downed powerlines, floodwaters, etc.
    • Clean up safely: Don’t push yourself and check on neighbors
    • Only use generators outdoors, 20+ feet from your house
    • Prepare for the likelihood that help and communications may not be available
  • Do not wait to take action! Start preparing today!
    • Determine your risks from water and wind
    • Begin preparing now, before a storm
    • Learn how to understand hurricane forecasts and alerts
    • Learn what to do before, during and after a storm

Drought Contingency Plan

In order to conserve water during current drought conditions, the City of Houston has implemented Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan.  During this stage, the North Mission Glen Municipal Utility District Board of Directors is requesting that all residents of the District take the following voluntary measures:

  • Check for and repair all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets.
  • Check sprinkler heads to make sure that water is not spraying into the street or directly into a storm drain.
  • Utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags, low-flow shower heads, and leak detection tablets.
  • Limit irrigation to no more than two (2) days per week, between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.